What’s so funny?

A foolish man is funny. God created male to be head of household.

In love humans say the dumbest, do the dumbest, think the dumbest thing. So why are males aging and brewing in stupity.

Not all males are stupid. Can’t say stupity has a bias what it touches or live with. Except yesterday there was not a bright man to boot. Or the ones that seem to desire to flirt.

After being around a clown that was talking bull I laughed to keep my mind off further entertaining this notion. Why do old males think to live is to steal the youth of a woman is beyond me.

At the beginning was an old lonely fart that assumed time of mine was dued to him.

Next was an old fart that assumed I and he must have been friends I don’t know he acts as through we are cool or something I laughed as he spoke for my thoughts were far from entertaining him because boy they had me rolling. I attempted to explain I don’t know the guy in the past and that he is confused unfortunately he is terribly lost in conviction that I am whom he thinks I am. Some males just won’t be corrected by a lady, so I digress on to my way.

There was a shorty who introduced himself as a tattoo person 30ft from a legitimate tattoo facility as LuLu a guy named Lulu? ok? a black short male street artist name Lulu. And I was wearing tank with no tat in sight. 🙄. For most ppl I know have more than a few tattoos if you spot 2.

The next male asked me after tailing throughout Walmart if he saw me before. Like if you did old man where was the time going to go? Silence. Seriously?🥱

Then another says women are filled with lies and changing their minds at a drop of a dime. I thought aloud women learned from the best. A woman says I love you and is lying mostly due to money. A man that tells you he loves you lies for sex. I can earn back my money I can’t get back my time be honest 89% it sucks! Through I had 99% very bad not worth a lick of words it took to get it. One guy was 1million% terrible honestly I’m still on the fence rather that was in fact a male breeded naturally.

Another guy says he sees magic in my eyes, and that he loves my natural hair. Utter bull, worried about how to still gain a notch.

Loving someone is an action. Not some ceiling praise proclamation to be seen in a crowd.

Not to nit pick 1 of your characters and condemn the rest to hell. For everyone are complex creatures and to say males are better liars would be reaching.

One has to be multi dimension.

Personally this world is ending. Full of deeds done in the sun that should have never been brought to light out of thoughts.

What is a person that would otherwise ignore you til you possess or become something or someone they can’t have?…

All this because I put a ring on my finger. A ring I owned for years but lost a few months back has surfaced and I was only too happy to return it to the finger. I do not have to wait to be cherished. And to witness such behavior is to ponder my ways to be more careful. For people in this world who are callous, evil, wicked, nasty, and unfaithful would flirt with death.

For a man to desire even a fake married woman is not a man. Interest to take from holy matrimony is a thief, murder and a liar a man that lacks understanding.

Wolves in sheep clothing are the weak that taint the upright in heart.

With short life are the evil doers that lay in bed with husband or wife that are not contracted to you.

We will all give an account. And as for me, my finger, my ring, my money, my labor, and my taxes I paid so I wear as I please and have not defiled, for I take my heart seriously and no flattery touch me, but once when I told myself you were worth it, unto another I considered never giving my heart.

Time is of the essence and I learn a sad truth, the sweeter the words, the darker the heart even cruelest the deeds of it’s plans.

Before you was me

I was here. I know I was.

In my finger prints along the lines are mine.

The ripples of the glass top of waves, are my reflection.

Tender and mushy are the person’s in me, my feelings.

When I was outlined there was no you. When I cried you were but a breathe.

I want you ever deeply walk in you but that is how twisted my desire to be with you. See you. See what you see. Understand what you know.

Not to control you. You are not some doll on a string.

Darling nor is this flesh of bricks something you need to manipulate

Don’t take my kindness as fickle or contagious or even stupidity.

The mistake others have made; love, that cliff is deep and cutting rocks past the edge. I buried many in jagged cliffs that I will not revisit. Mistake me as something else will be your undoing. A bridge falling to ruins


Time heals all wounds but I wasn’t given time to forget you.

I want to dismiss you, for myself. Yet arrived at my door with excuses on your lips and nothing in your hand.

Your friend and you are all the same. Expecting me to fall back in some time of hopelessness and into your arms as if nothing happened.

Well it did, and I am enough somebody to not return to pain, violence, screams, and horror.

See I got away, and I never return to evil.

For my kindness you gave me bruises. For my kindness you broke me. For my kindness you slap me, and slash at me. At me, you slash for whom I was cut and stabbed me deeply. I did nothing wrong and I wasn’t about to convince myself of that. I didn’t deserve your wrath.

For once I escaped I knew no matter what stay away. Yet that memo didn’t reach you?

Time flew by and I sent no wind of my name. No bird to hint I was thinking or even remotely praying for you no, i concern myself not of you or an apology. Not 1.

Your presence was worth nothing. If I blink and saw you never I would be the happiest.

What I learnt from meeting you was that faces that ugly hide something even uglier and words nor kindness will change you. So as the soil of the grave your feet do go.

Ignorance is not bliss for before you I was ignorant but I wish I had known that you was grave’s cousin I would have ran.

There was another such as yourself and others like you, but none had the smell like you. Nor the boldness to act like you. To be so bold to attack a woman that male is a male better to be chained and bound. Especially one who find it as pleasurable as you. No remorse in those scary black eyes. How the soul is of chard and glass grinding all that is of joy and laughter. My heart sank.

How could something so evil wear skin of human, that I wish I caught on to that smell? Was of rotten flesh.

A corpse are you and you lead others astray. Hold fast to your hearts for evil is ever about. One whom knocks at your door, to break you over and over for in it has no relief and the grave doeth followeth him always. He won’t turn astray, my cries he, like a well deeply ignored and his mind ever against righteousness. He consults hell and have no conscious rather he shall go.

Ever Stubborn

This heat for one, is stubborn.

There is a burning inside I tried to share with a fluttering passion.

There is a fickle of light, I see in your eyes.

The world spins, and so twisted, and disturbing is up to the skies.

The beaks lick and wait for flesh as the souls below aren’t natural and becoming already dead.

Where do I see myself getting up into comfort under roof of my choice and the arms I miss?

Will you stay far from me?

Cling not to death, as it will come in due season.

There is a purge coming and I get relief before that time.

My confidence is not of the world nor in it. Lord be present to my love. Remove not your help from about our dwelling.

My Lord make soft this heart. That I remove my link of old.

Lord enlarge my territory and wash me of stagnicity and ego.

That I shake off procrastination death of productivity and goal.

Make me unrecognizably rich; in thought, heart, mind, and going. Aman

The first

Behold a difference between the two.

Live long enough and you shall see it too.

For as a child I saw it not. As a teen I redeem it not. As I am old I see it bold. Til this day I see it hold.

A crush oh what a heavy blow. Or so I thought but the world did not stop.

It is as a paper cut. So small but a sting and no blood.

Almost a waste of time.

But my love of first. The devil took him.

I recall no face, no smell, no smile, no moments as I do the moment I laid eyes on him.

He teaches me without a word or seminar.

Oh how others, the shadow of his beauty. And I look at them as through bitten with flu I have no appetite to play with you.

Then again the words, no the very actions are that which is my first love has reveal to me.

Yet postponed the meet and greet as I voyage on defeating my foes and mountains without thee.

My love you keep, the crushes you vanquish with one blow the moment we danced, we pooled, the time you and I were we and now it’s you or me.

Totally bet

I bet you knew I watched you.

I bet you knew they totally changed the place we met and renamed it.

I feel like you are always on, displaying a life to others that you want others to envy.

I bet you knew eventually I stop even looking into your Facebook.

I bet you don’t know how much I love you.

I bet you don’t know, that I pray you are safe and find a friend that tells you brutal honesty. That you never escape this God fearing brother that wants you to enter into heaven and you can’t shake him no matter what.

Lmbo I ain’t crazy to think you only have one person to ever love you as deep. Bet you didn’t know that?

I bet you don’t know that I understand why we met I just don’t get why it didn’t work out….yet.

I bet you don’t know that I look forward to making that look on your face eat your heart out. That your jaw drop so hard that I feel the fear of you telling others you did once know me and the slap of the back of the neck echoes coming from your own hands As you ponder the whispers from your friends ” who is She?”

Oh I will glance ever slightly at the blood flush face of defeat. I will chuckle and go my way as you did.

In the blood

You can seek, but you will not find that blood of the woman is salvation.

It’s name is the Hyman, a very misleading membrane that once upon time til now aided by either ignorance or stupidity to accept that it’s existence is not available to conclude lost of puberty through as ancestors once suppose.

Through I for one, believe this excuse to cut ties from wife because she was said to be virgin and you had sex but she did not bleed was simply a male wanting to mock his choice and escape responsibility like Adam, like Cain just the same.

Nowhere in the bible did God ever promise man the sign of woman purity is she bleed upon him. He won’t find it. There is no salvation, zero salvation in her no more can a doctor claim a man’s or boy’s virginity.

The Hyman is a flesh that formed in the womb where once it’s time for delivery she will have organs

Hymanaios the Greek name from consummation of marriage to test her or seek out her uncleanliness as verification if she was loose woman but how many woman accused, hung and flung over false ideas that man concluded without full understanding of the human anatomy especially that of a woman.

For every woman the Hyman varies in size, shape, even location.

Tragically I ponder how anyone came about understanding it truly, as I read and have lived the fear with no understanding as to what to expect concerning sex men would often tell me what to expect as oppose to ask me what I expect and how I felt. Funny how someone with a stick tells the hole what is.

Makes you wander why any opposite sex, tells one how it is to be the other.

Heteronormative as it may sound how the male society presume his entrance is to make her bleed the same idea of sex makes her a woman is both meaningless and barbarian of the mind that concede and spread these ideas is not a man but a child.

Open mind is to accept I cannot tell one how one feels let along truly what to expect in life’s corner. I can tell you how something feel to me, but there is always this mystery of life that when tried to be define for all God shows time and time again how unique each of us are.

No matter how many times people put limits on the body, expectation on the human, allowance on the soul, they never know.

What this does, how this works. The body in all it’s mystery, aw, the functions and signatures that makes you, you. Unlike to any other. Mostly the same but not.

Until each of us have a deeper understanding of self then defining others others would be like describing water in the dark. When the light is on who knows what what was.

Your limitation are yours to define. But seek knowledge and depth yours to keep.

I do wish people cease dressing up lies to fit in, or feel empowered. No such thing as pretty birth, Santa Claus, easter bunny, Jack Frost, lovely pregnancy, no change in marriage, chain letter, sign of virginity in both male or female, popping cherries, flying pigs, size of man feet determines size of dick, a matter of fact there is nothing absolutely nothing that determines that size, all men who gloat of being good in bed, normally are not, perfect human other than Christ, or overnight wealth.

Predominantly dumb idea

A woman is like a car?

I don’t know whose idea is that…but I’m glad their dead.

I just wish this phase would have drowned with em.

A car?

You mean the thing that works with motor, keys, 4 wheels and gas? A thing that unless someone is behind the wheel can’t move?

Such ideas should be shot in the street like a dog with rabies and named kojo.

Well if she was most males like false gas, full of air and mostly fumes and water.

Well I call males that think like that hammers. And I the house. No not brick house. More like self reconstruction.

Hammers are much more useful than a think less snake particularly with 1 eye or so said, which spits and sweats unlike those in nature attached and all.

Hammers build, but they also destroy. .

Yes, a hammer. Because a lot of them have no place in a good home.

Males often like to fix things but like little boys if they find not needed or wanted boy can tear it down.

A lady’s like a home. Eyes to the window of soul she paints when she of age or from previous owners aka parent/s provision or lack.

Hammers often seem to work either physically by sex or mentally mind to build. If sexually then it only destroys and bangs up the house to devalue it.

With proper foundation in the right location, and proper maintenance and security the home is fit for a king. Under the right circumstances.

Often hammers have the wrong ideas about the appearance and concepts of the home. Assuming it might be placed better on another street, or to add a room or what the roof should look like.

Some hammers don’t have enough funds to build but already took down walls on home/s it won’t buy.

Some do so in spite because the home was too pleasant in the eyes and could not be afforded by just any old hammer.

Not all hammers are as bad or as good as the next. Even rain for a great neglected hammer can be put to use. Under the right circumstances. Proper guidince in right hands.

In wrong hands recycled made into a gun firing into homes, and cars destroying families and taking lives. For both these things know no names. No hammer the house it destroy not bullets the lives it take.

No with proper walls, security, knowledge of self, surroundings, and courage a woman gaurds her family a car can’t do that.

No a car doesn’t warmly embrace you, upon returning, nor ask you of your day. Less you of course set it up to do so James Bond, but every so often if she’s using batteries more than your car change out, you dear are wasting your time with the right one. With her nice legs I’m sure someone would appreciate her mind to drive that great asset off your ungrateful hands.

I dare to say this, if a woman be like a car, how about instead of sleeping on the couch, you go to the car and have your way with it, see if then she or anyone else goes “I’m completely jealous of her.” Or take the car for spin and see what woman wish she was in its place. Less from movie Christine by Stephan King I mean she could rebuild any damage, practically crazy but the boy was wrapped around her wheels. Doubt anyone can get a car to pprrrr like he did just walking to it without remote or keys.

Overall I like to believe as scary as it sounds we are all humans with feelings and rights, and either you deal with them properly or they deal with you accordingly. Some just outright give into a nature that is far from ideal of what a human should act on. Let along speak or consider.

Humans are not animals or things. Our value should not even be compared to creatures we are to tame and have dominion over. Much less a car that values plummets once even exiting the lot. So even for a test drive is still beneath a woman to subject herself for anyone to

appreciate her or vice versa.

Calypso and Davy

How the wheels has turn.

You are ever enchanting as the sea, how girls flock to thee

For you I took my heart out.

And those who seek it, won’t find it.

Say some took stabs and threw their words at me.

Now isn’t that cruel as can be?

But they not here, not do you come.

Waves of emotions wash over me.

My crew tosses men left to right.

I don’t mean to laugh at their stupid hearts

The crew would eat it on a platter, but I won’t touch it with a dagger.

I yearn the one touch of true love.

I wrack ships, I admit that be me.

But all the others are as cold and meaniless.

I wrote a song for the occasion. Like I said, you weren’t there.

I realize my role.

You heartless mean boy trout, that which is your nature is cruel a tune I cannot tame.

You can charge me with casting away.

But holding to false hope, or giving one are terms I sign on a heart that names are yours and mine.

If binds are you but another set you free.

I pray my face isn’t there to see.

For cruel is you, and that is true but for me I hope it wasn’t all to be.

Every Kryptonite

I think; now, this is my opinion Tom Welling was the best superman I’ve seen to date.

I did hate that he never grasp how to fly, like seriously this guy should have witness flight upon arrival in Earth’s atmosphere.

In this one show expressed many color Kryptonite which was kind of like emotions you know, red is fury impulsive kind of easy to remember.

Then I began to analyze how we have different Kryptonites as humans.

Some people can push your button and no big deal. The right person at the right time can be lethal.

That must have been how Samson felt when Delilah betrayed him.

Through I couldn’t tell a soul my weakness let me have super strength my secret rock me to the grieve ok.

Yet if you ever felt his pain it’s like becoming human without a soul almost….Not like giving up on life not wanting to live, that phase passes.

No it’s like being super at first, like young body meets old body restrictions once exposed. Able to leap a building in one bound, seeing your enemies for who they are, touching special kryptonite you become incapable of taking 5 steps at once, and not seeing through paper. Is what it’s like.

I love the theme song somebody save me in Smallville you can honestly feel like the world is calling for a hero, so I answer with pokemon theme song cause that is about as close to feeling powerful as one can feel given Pokemons do not exist but people and phones would play in traffic and commit home invasions to collect them. So yeah I’m convinced.

Smallville the sitcom reveals Lex as a one time friend who the audience is just screaming 😱 he’ll hurt you, look how he does this, that and Clark just refused to see it until closer friends be like you don’t understand, with their dying breath to convey to this super guy “listen I know you whole heartedly desire and believe his charm but dude is one whacky unstable so and so never tell him your secret matter of fact keep a distance.”

I mean the signs were there, he was pure cookie nookie, bananas, I mean someone saved your life and live I wouldn’t ponder it. Thank goodness you lived bro. Your alive, phew, would hate to explain to the Kent’s about their son any way, his parents never like the Luther’s can you imagine Lex killing their son and Mr. Kent letting him off the hook? I don’t think so.

No this Lex study the guy like a bug under a microscope to find weakness, how pathetic! Make me a nemesis out of a kind gesture why dontcha?

Being hurt by the right so and so is like living the shadow of your former self and through you get out and laugh and kid but you get home it can be a mansion doesn’t have to be some room in corner inn someplace and just slum in this chair not thinking about how to think of what never was. Maybe a nice person gives you a chance to do over that second in life before ….or you stop reading and watching witchcraft and just go about life….

There is no fairy, martian, wizard, or tooth fairy to help you, but God can help you.

Looking for others to have flaws so you can feel better won’t work, speaking arbitrary things won’t help, wishing you dealt better with your hand, won’t help.

Wishing you were stronger and had no weakness won’t help. Nor does wishing you treated your enemies better.

People will be people. Just don’t let them be your Kryptonites.