Totally bet

I bet you knew I watched you.

I bet you knew they totally changed the place we met and renamed it.

I feel like you are always on, displaying a life to others that you want others to envy.

I bet you knew eventually I stop even looking into your Facebook.

I bet you don’t know how much I love you.

I bet you don’t know, that I pray you are safe and find a friend that tells you brutal honesty. That you never escape this God fearing brother that wants you to enter into heaven and you can’t shake him no matter what.

Lmbo I ain’t crazy to think you only have one person to ever love you as deep. Bet you didn’t know that?

I bet you don’t know that I understand why we met I just don’t get why it didn’t work out….yet.

I bet you don’t know that I look forward to making that look on your face eat your heart out. That your jaw drop so hard that I feel the fear of you telling others you did once know me and the slap of the back of the neck echoes coming from your own hands As you ponder the whispers from your friends ” who is She?”

Oh I will glance ever slightly at the blood flush face of defeat. I will chuckle and go my way as you did.

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